Josey Agency

Eight year old survives Lion infested wilderness in Zimbabwe

By : Lloyd Mahachi 


A young boy named Tinotenda Pudu is safe now. He was lost in a big park with wild animals. He was only eight years old.


Tinotenda walked a long way from his home. He went into a park called Matusadona Game Park. This park is very big and has many wild animals. There are lions, elephants, and hippos.


The boy was alone in the park for five days. He had to find food and water by himself. He ate wild fruits and dug holes to get water. He slept on a rock at night.


The park is a very scary place. There are many lions and elephants. But Tinotenda was brave. He used his knowledge to survive. He knew how to find food and water.


People were looking for Tinotenda. They made a lot of noise to try and find him. But it was the park rangers who found him. They saw his footprints and followed them.


Tinotenda was very happy to see the rangers. He ran to them and they took him to safety. Everyone was relieved that he was safe. They were all very proud of him for being so brave.


The park rangers said that Tinotenda was very lucky. He could have been hurt by the wild animals. But he was smart and brave. He knew how to take care of himself.


Tinotenda’s story is very inspiring. He showed that even a young boy can survive in the wild. He used his knowledge and bravery to stay safe.


Many people are talking about Tinotenda’s story. They are all very impressed by his bravery. He is a hero to many people. His story will be remembered for a long time.


Tinotenda is now back home with his family. They are all very happy to have him back. They are proud of him for being so brave and smart. Tinotenda will never forget his adventure in the wild.


The park rangers are also very happy. They were able to find Tinotenda and bring him to safety. They did a great job. They are all heroes for saving the young boy.


Tinotenda’s story teaches us many things. It teaches us to be brave and smart. It teaches us to use our knowledge to survive. It also teaches us to appreciate the people who help us in times of need.


Editor : Josephine Mahachi 

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