Josey Agency

France surrenders last military base in Chad


By : Lloyd Mahachi

Two months after Chad cuts off its military alliance with Paris, the French army surrendered its last military base in the country, the Kossei base, in N’Djamena.


Though it was Chad who revealed the end of the defence pact, the head of the French Armed Forces’ Africa Command stated that the handover was partly France’s choice.


Pascal Ianni, head of French Armed Forces’ Africa Command, said, “The transfer of the (Adji) Kossei base today marks a new stage. It is part of the French decision to end permanent military bases in Central and West Africa.”



”This structural change is necessary to adapt to the evolution of the world, and the evolution of Africa. We are reaffirming our partnerships in a dynamic Africa whose youth carries a lot of hope. We must act differently,” he added.


This comes after France released its two other military bases in the country. The Chadian army’s chief of staff has praised the end of defence ties with Paris.


“I thank the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who gives us the opportunity to make this dream a reality. I announce to you today that the work of the French army is coming to an end and the Chadian army is capable of taking over the role that the French army plays in Chad”, said Abakar Abdelkerim Daoud, Chadian Army’s Chief of Staff.


Before the end of the alliance, France had around 1,000 military personal in Chad.


Editor : Josephine Mahachi

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